The mid-fifteenth century former Convento Agostiniano della Beata Vergine Annunciata (Augustine Convent of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin) lies in the flatland located in the southern part of Medole, in an evocative atmosphere.
The convent complex took its origin from a small Benedictine oratory on the border between the territories of Medole and Castelgoffredo, but it grew in importance and prestige in the 16 th century thanks to the Gonzaga family of Castiglione and the devotion of the people. As evidence of its significance, between 1467 and 1614 nine general meetings of the Congregation of the Augustinians in Lombardy were held here. Among the illustrious visitors to the place Carlo V (Charles V), who donated a silver-bound missal to the church of the Annunciation, is worth remembering. Numerous visits by saint-to-be Luigi (Louis) Gonzaga are also attested: he was the son of Prince Ferrante Gonzaga of Castiglione and most devoted to the miraculous image of the Virgin.The convent complex took its origin from a small Benedictine oratory on the border between the territories of Medole and Castelgoffredo, but it grew in importance and prestige in the 16 th century thanks to the Gonzaga family of Castiglione and the devotion of the people. As evidence of its significance, between 1467 and 1614 nine general meetings of the Congregation of the Augustinians in Lombardy were held here. Among the illustrious visitors to the place Carlo V (Charles V), who donated a silver-bound missal to the church of the Annunciation, is worth remembering. Numerous visits by saint-to-be Luigi (Louis) Gonzaga are also attested: he was the son of Prince Ferrante Gonzaga of Castiglione and most devoted to the miraculous image of the Virgin.

On June 12 1783, at the behest of king Giuseppe II (Joseph II) the Order was suppressed and the property sold.
At the time located in an isolated area surrounded by woods, the complex was in run- down condition, but the interior of the church was still intact. It is an important temple, which contains five altars, a lot of furnishings and a remarkable quantity of works of art, including the group of sculptures of the Deposition, now kept in the Parish Church.
At the time located in an isolated area surrounded by woods, the complex was in run- down condition, but the interior of the church was still intact. It is an important temple, which contains five altars, a lot of furnishings and a remarkable quantity of works of art, including the group of sculptures of the Deposition, now kept in the Parish Church.
In 1851 the aforementioned Arrighi sisters had the present-day small church erected in memory of the old temple.
The persistence of an orchard, which surrounds the area of the Convent with high walls about a kilometre long, still has a noticeable effect on the whole complex.
All’interno della sala del Capitolo sono visibili alcuni affreschi del 1400 raffiguranti santi e personaggi illustri della congregazione Agostiniana.
È di notevole impatto anche la rimanenza di di una porzione di chiostro in stile tardo gotico con stili affini a quelli polironiani. I capitelli dei portici sono decorati col trigramma di San Bernardino e angeli alati, la ghiera degli archi è rossa come i fusti delle colonne. In oltre sono emersi durante recenti restauri due finestroni Gotici trilobati con residui di decorazione.
Il complesso nonostante le notevoli alterazioni avvenute durante i secoli di abbandono, mantiene un notevole faschino che trasmette a chiunque lo visiti.
Oggi il complesso è privato e adibito a spazio per ricevimenti e matrimoni.